Explore - Youth
Our Explore Youth group is the place to be! We believe church is a place of fun and transformation. We are passionate for every young person to have a space to grow, heal, learn, laugh, play by experiencing the goodness of God in community. Whether a young person is a Christian or not, we are here to support them, encourage them, and have a crazy amount of FUN. However, we are unashamedly obsessed with the love of Jesus!
Explore club is the young people's space to own (11-17 year olds). We want to encourage everyone to be themselves as we hang out with one another in a relaxed space to chill out or have lots of fun in our many activities. We come and explore friendships, who we are, support that cares for you, and how much fun can we possibly have! Oh, and we LOVE food!
See you there, every Thursday at 6:30pm - 8pm upstairs via the side entrance.
Explore Junction is our Sunday morning youth gathering where we explore big questions and become more curious about who Jesus is, how is he relatable in our lives, and how can his Spirit transform our lives? We begin at 10:15am in the main church gathering, via the main church entrance, and leave near the start of the gathering to explore Jesus deeply through engaging teaching, activities, and fun. We aim to make Sunday mornings a relaxing and fun place to be. Be careful, Matt's crazy game ideas are only getting more exciting!
Explore OneEighty might just be the place for you to wrestle with them scary questions, without fear of judgement. A time for our school years 10-13s to explore their journey with Jesus more deeply, in a safe community. We eat, we pray, we discuss, we read the Bible, and we always laugh. Join us, upstairs, for every first and third Sunday of the month at 6:30pm - 8pm, wherever you are at on your journey of life. Whether you are very unsure on faith, beginning your relationship with Jesus, or are hungry for more (Jesus or food) then we are sure to help you to explore life and faith more deeply.
If you are new to the church and wish to find out more about the youth activities we run for your child or children then please visit our Contact Us page.