The Back Story
Back in early 1600’s some Christians in England noticed that in the Bible, early believers in Jesus Christ were baptised (immersed in water) when they personally came to faith. Those people were given the name ‘baptists’. From that small beginning a large worldwide network of Baptist churches has grown up – one of the world’s largest Christian movements.
So Baptists have been around for a long time. If you want to know more about the history go to the Baptist Union website
Baptists began meeting in the small village of Hucknall around 1806 when it had a population of about 1,500. One of their earliest meeting places was a few metres from our current Watnall Road building, on Derbyshire Lane. The old building can still be seen as part of the premises of Munk’s Garage.
In 1849, we became independent of other churches. By this time the town had doubled in size and the first trains had arrived a year earlier. Manufacturing and mining were about to bring even more significant growth to the town. Our present building in Watnall Road was opened in 1876 as the church steadily grew.
In the 1990’s the building was modernised to create a light and spacious worship area that meets current needs to serve the community. As a community we have found in Jesus Christ a richness of life we want to share. We seek to help one another develop life-skills. These not only help us cope with our own issues in daily life but also encourage us to make our contribution to the common good.
In recent years the church has renewed its emphasis on serving the community. Many of our members are active in the Churches Together, “Engage Group”, demonstrating God’s love in action, through its food bank or furniture recycling service.
Look at what’s going on for children, young people as well as seniors. Or drop into our café when it’s open one morning, or into the shop on Watnall Road near the traffic lights, ‘Engage Gifts’.